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Man making broom




Learn about our history!


Our History takes you back to the late 1700s, a time of rapid change in North America's political landscape.

As early as 1787, soldiers and loyalists were settling on farm lots running inland from Lake Erie. During the 1800s, fugitive slaves and European settlers carried on the pioneer spirit by building small communities throughout Colchester Township. Villages that endure today arose at Colchester, Harrow, McGregor and Essex Centre.

white historic home on waterfront

Find out more about our unique history and cultural identity by visiting one of our local museums or historical societies.

Or take our Heritage Tour and engage with our past by learning more about some of the built and cultural heritage that dots our landscape.

Heritage plaques have been installed at key locations to help broaden public knowledge surrounding the historical and cultural resources within the municipality.



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Contact Us

Tourism Essex
33 Talbot Street South
Essex, Ontario
N8M 1A8

Phone: 519-776-7336
Email Us